If You're A Ghost and You Know It

(Melodie: "If You're Happy and you know it")

If you're a ghost and you know it,
just say Boo
If you're a ghost and you know it,
just say BOO
If you're a ghost and you know it

and you really want to show it...

If you're a ghost and you know it

just say BOO!


If you're a black cat and you know it
just say Meow
if you're a black cat and you know it
just say Meow
if you're a black cat and you know it
and you really want to show it,
if you're a black cat and you know it

just say Meow!


If you're a skeleton and you know it,
wiggle your bones (shake your body)
if you're a skeleton and you know it,
wiggle your bones
if you're a skeleton and you know it,
and you really want to show it
if you're a skeleton and you know it,
wiggle your bones!


If you love Halloween and you know it
do all three

(all 3 actions in order of appearance)

if you love Halloween and you know it
do all three
if you love Halloween and you know it
and you really want to show it,
if you love Halloween and you know it
do all three!